Frequently Asked Questions |
What is Doorfind ? |
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Doorfind is a place where Real estate agent and internet visitors meet. Real estate agents signing up for a Doorfind Control Panel can submit their particulars with property details including images. Internet visitors searching for Real estate agents and property will come across your details and contact you. |
Who should use Doorfind ? |
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If you are a Real estate agent and would like to benefit from Doorfind's exclusive services, signup for a Doorfind Control panel and take control over your Internet Presence. If you are a visitor searching for properties and Real estate agents, obtain details by specifying search criteria. |
What can I search at Doorfind ? |
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Doorfind search results consist of Property listing, Property requests, Real estate agent details posted by Doorfind members them selves. |
Does it cost to search at Doorfind ? |
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Doorfind search results are free of charge for any visitor to the site. |
I'm a Real estate Agent. How can I use Doorfind to improve my internet presence ? |
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First checkout Doorfind's exclusive service offerings. Then signup for a Control panel. Once you are in the Control panel follow the instructions to start improving your internet presence. |
What is a Doorfind Real estate Agent Control Panel ? |
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Doorfind Control panel is the heart of all Doorfind Members. Submitting personal details, property listings, photographs, Office locators , voice recordings , accessing property leads are few of what your could do from the Control Panel. All signed up members will have a Control panel of their own. |
Who is a Doorfind Regular member ? |
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Doorfind regular membership if free but with limited facilities. To enhance your internet presence dramatically we strongly recommend signing up as a Doorfind GOLD member. |
Who is a Doorfind GOLD member ? |
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Doorfind GOLD members enjoy all exclusive benefit Doorfind has in offer for you. It comes at a monthly subscription charge of $5 with Free setup cost with no long-term commitments. |
I'm a Regular member. How can I upgrade to a GOLD member and what does it cost for me for the upgrade and there after ? |
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Follow the link Upgrade Now and enter login details to proceed. Doorfind GOLD membership comes at a monthly subscription charge of $5 with Free Setup cost. |
I'm a Real estate Agent and I have a Doorfind account. Do I get charged when I generate leads or complete sales by using Doorfind ? |
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Using Doorfind will not cost anything other than the Monthly Subscription charge. |
What is Property Buyer Leads database and how can I access it ? |
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Internet visitors wanting to buy properties will submit the particulars with contact details. All queries will be stored in Property Buyer Leads Database and Doorfind GOLD members have free of charge access to them through their Control Panels.
What is Property Seller Leads database and how can I access it ? |
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Internet visitors wanting to sell properties will submit the particulars with contact details. All queries will be stored in Property Seller Leads Database and Doorfind GOLD members have free of charge access to them through their Control Panels.
What is Real estate agent Requests database and how can I access it ? |
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Internet visitors searching for Real estate agents will submit the particulars with contact details. All queries will be stored in Real estate agent Requests Database and Doorfind GOLD members have free of charge access to them through their Control Panels.